Through our camping ministries, KLC’s mission is to ensure that every child who joins us at camp knows that someone sees their worth and potential - just as God sees them. We believe camp is the best place to be, and we want to make sure that everyone has the chance to experience this. 

In 2023, we decided to shift the way that we price our camps. For years we have set our prices based on what seems to be affordable for most families and have operated our camps at a loss, subsidizing costs through donations and facility rentals in the off-season. In reality, it costs over $700 for a single camper to attend camp for 5 days, meaning that KLC subsidizes almost half of each camper’s registration fees. 

This new tiered pricing system allows families to continue to support KLC while keeping camp accessible to all. When you register a child for camp, you will see three pricing options. The highest tier allows you to pay the full cost of their registration. The 2nd tier represents 80% of the full price, and KLC subsidizes the rest. The 3rd tier is our standard price, representing 65% of the actual cost per camper. 

The pricing is entirely self-selected by you, and there is no difference in program, care, or preference offered based on the price paid. Only our admin staff know how much is paid for each camper - your choice is kept confidential.

If our subsidized prices are still out of reach for your family, financial assistance can be applied for through our online registration. These additional subsidies are funded by our Camp Matters fundraising campaign, where donations given to the campaign are dedicated to covering camper fees when they are needed most. 

By paying a less-subsidized fee, more of our funds are able to be directed towards improvements to our property and programming, investing in our staff, and ministry expansion. By paying more for your child’s camp experience, your dollars are supporting camp operations, meaning that donations and off-season revenue will be going directly towards expanding KLC’s capacity for fulfilling our mission.