2025 Staff Applications

January 17-31: Department Lead* & Spring Staff** Applications Open

January 17: Volunteer Applications Open

February 21: All other summer positions open

Keep scrolling to view available positions.

A note on job descriptions:

  • Detailed job descriptions will reviewed with successful applicants upon hiring as some may be tailored to the specific skill sets of hires.

A note on pay scale:

Each position is coded under one of three tiers. Specific wages will be determined from within the tier brackets based on the experience and qualifications of successful applicants, as well the final configuration of job duties. The tiers are as follows.

  • Tier 1: $250 - $350 per week

  • Tier 2: $350 - $450 per week

  • Tier 3: $450+ per week

If you have questions regarding the positions, feel free to contact our Director at director@katepwalakecamp.com

Lead Positions

Program Director**

Under the supervision of the Summer Director, the Program Coordinator is responsible for coordinating camp life staff, executing program objectives including scheduling and logistics. They ensure an optimal camper experience which is fun, safe and educational, and that the program is running smoothly and on schedule. Previous camp experience required. This position commences. This position is Tier 3. Must be 18+ to apply. This position commences May 7 and ends August 20th.

Assistant Program Director**

Under the supervision of the Program Coordinator and Camp Director, the Assistant Program Coordinator will help execute program objectives, including scheduling and logistics. They help ensure an optimal camper experience which is fun, safe and educational, and that the program is running smoothly and on schedule. This position is Tier 3. Must be 18+ to apply. This position commences May 7 and ends August 20th.

L.I.T. Director*

Under the supervision of the Camp Director, the Leader In Training Director will plan and execute the LIT program, which disciples high school aged students to be Christian servant leaders at camp. Experience or education in youth ministry is an asset. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3. This position commences May 7 and ends August 20th.

Assistant L.I.T. Director

Under the supervision of the LIT Director and Camp Director, the Assistant LIT Director will assist in the execution of the Leader In Training program, which disciples high school aged students to be Christian servant leaders at camp. The Assistant LIT Director will specifically coordinate the LITs in the fulfillment of their chores. Experience or education in youth ministry is an asset. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3. This is a summer-only position.

Cabin Positions

Head Cabin Leader*

Under the supervision of the Program Director, the Head Cabin Leaders (one male, one female) oversees the management and mentorship of the cabin leading staff. Duties include one-on-one check-ins with Cabin Leaders, assisting in behaviour management of campers, ensuring cabin leaders have what they need for optimal performance, and spiritual care of cabin leaders and campers. Previous cabin leading experience required. Post-secondary or substantial ministry experience, an asset. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3.

Senior Cabin Leader

Under the supervision of the Summer Director, Sr. Cabin Leaders are the primary supervisor for a cabin group of 6-10 campers, while also mentor to their junior partner. Cabin leaders create an atmosphere of fun and belonging. They tend to the needs of their campers while looking for opportunities to reveal Jesus to them. Must be between 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 2. 5 full-summer positions available; additional limited positions available based on availability and camper demand.

Junior Cabin Leader

Under the supervision of the Summer Director and Senior Cabin Leader, Junior Cabin Leader is a great introduction into cabin leading for applicants who are still in high school. Jr Cabin Leaders support their Senior partners in supervising a cabin of 6-10 campers. Cabin leaders create an atmosphere of fun and belonging. They tend to the needs of their campers while looking for opportunities to reveal Jesus to them. Must be 16+ to apply. This position is Tier 1. 5 full-summer positions available; additional limited positions available based on availability and camper demand.

Program Positions

Media Coordinator*

Under the supervision of the Camp Director, the Media Coordinator is responsible for marketing initiatives including social media management, website design, as well as organizing projected media for camp programs (song lyrics, speaker slides, etc). Experience in media design required, education an asset. The media coordinator will be responsible for taking several hundred candid pictures a day of camp operations, as well as recording b-roll video footage of camp operations to archive for promotional purposes. The ideal applicant would have an artist's eye for image composition and technical knowledge on how to use photography equipment. Please submit photography portfolio to info@katepwalakecamp.com.

Note: this is a half-time position, thus applicants should select another half or full position to be paired with this one. This position by itself is Tier 1.

Worship Coordinator*

Under the supervision of the Camp Director, the worship coordinator leads and/or organizes chapel worship times or staff worship times. This includes singing, playing an instrument, building set lists, and recruiting other band members from the staff.

Note: this is a half-time position, thus applicants should select another half or full position to be paired with this one. This position by itself is Tier 1.

Camp Life Staff

Under the supervision of the Program Director, these out-of-cabin staff strive to create an unforgettable camp experience by running games, skills and other activities. Note that this position Must be 16+ to apply. This position is Tier 1. Limited positions available.

Operations Positions

Kitchen Manager*

Under the supervision of the Operations Director, the Kitchen Manager will spearhead our essential mealtime operations by coordinating teams of volunteers to serve an average of 100 people four meals a day. They will be responsible for meal planning and ordering, overseeing general kitchen operations, staff, and volunteers, and ensuring all dietary needs are met. Food Safe Level 1 required. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3. This position commences June 30th and ends August 20th.

Head Cook

Under the supervision of the Operations Director and Kitchen Manager, the head cook is responsible for meal preparation and service, ensuring that health and safety standards are being met while providing delicious & nutritious meals for 60-100+ people four times a day. Food Safe Level 1 required. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3. This position commences June 30th and ends August 20th

Kitchen Assistant

Under the supervision of the Head Cook, the Kitchen Assistant will assist in essential mealtime preparations to serve an average of 100 people four meals a day. Food Safe Level 1 an asset. Must be 15+ to apply. This position is Tier 2.

Administrative Assistant

Under the supervision of the Operations Manager, the assistant will work to complete office tasks that are essential to the operations of KLC's rental season and summer programming, specifically utilizing our registration software to catalogue camper and staff data, respond to parent inquiries, greet visitors, etc. Basic computer literacy and organization skills required. Must be 17+ to apply. This position is Tier 2.

Hospitality Coordinator

Under the supervision of the Operations Director, the Hospitality Coordinator is responsible for overseeing all aspects of camp hospitality, from overseeing chore teams and general camp cleanliness to welcoming visitors and ensuring our volunteers and speakers feel at home. Must be 16+ to apply. This position is Tier 3.

Property and Maintenance Coordinator**

Under the supervision of the Operations Director, the Property and Maintenance Coordinator is responsible for the general upkeep of camp facilities, including (but not limited to) regular maintenance of camp buildings and vehicles, responding to calls for repairs, and coordinating volunteers. Experience in manual labour required; trades experience an asset. The position start and end date are flexible; 4 month and 2 month position available. This position is Tier 3.

Waterfront Positions

Waterfront Coordinator*

Under the supervision of the Summer Director, the Waterfront Coordinator is the primary organizer of water front activities throughout the day. This includes coordination of boat activities, waterfront skills, equipment management, beach cleanliness and collaborating with the head lifeguard. This position commences June 30th and concludes August 23rd. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3.

Head Lifeguard

Under the supervision of the Waterfront Coordinator, the Head Lifeguard is the primary safety officer over waterfront activities throughout the day. This includes supervision of the assistant lifeguard team and conducting swimming lessons. NLS and LSI certifications required. Must be 18+ to apply. This position is Tier 3.

Junior Lifeguard

Under the supervision of the Waterfront Coordinator, Assistant lifeguards act as a secondary authority on our waterfront to ensure the safety of campers and staff during swim times. This position should be viewed as an opportunity for young Bronze Cross holders to gain experience and be mentored by an experienced lifeguard. Must be 15+ to apply. Note: This is a half position, thus applicants should select another half or full position to be paired with this one, or be apart of the camp life team.